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Digital Bulletin

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Crosspoint FM Church Digital Bulletin

Sermon Series: The Marathon Through These Times







Announcements // Upcoming Events



Men’s Bible Study & Fellowship:

Wed at 8:00am


Crosspoint  Regathering:

As we start to reopen and more people begin to come to church in person please be aware of the new changes below:


Here are a few things you need to know to ensure safety of all our attenders:


  • Please enter through main doors, exit will be located in the back of the sanctuary.

  • There will be no paper bulletins

  • We ask everyone over the age of 3+ to wear a mask when entering the church until they are seated.

  • Kingdom Kids is NOT open at this time, children must sit with parents.

  • Chairs must be 6ft apart unless you are sitting with your family

  • Masks must be worn when singing

  • Mask must be worn after service

  • After service donuts and coffee will not be provided during this time


As we begin our regathering, we realize that there are some that have compromised health issues and immune systems. Those individuals should feel free to remain at home and watch our live stream service until they feel comfortable enough to join us again.


New Time and Church Format:


We will now begin to have a full re-gathering as a church body.  We will be having our Sunday worship service beginning at 9:30 am. We will then have our groups spread out throughout the church building to gather for teaching, praying, caring, sharing (otherwise known as discipling)  time.  


The former Kingdom Kidz room and the room across the hall will be set up for a time of gathering together to fellowship and connect with each other.  There will be sheets of paper for each person to use for discussion as a group.  These will be provided for the next 7 weeks.


Youth Group (7th-12th grade)  Will begin on Sunday Sept 13 immediately following the 9:30 service.  They will meet downstairs in the Fireplace room.


Stacey Melones will be gathering online with anyone who attends the online service.  Here is the zoom Link for that gathering.

Topic: After Church Service Social Hour

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet 10:30 am Sundays. 

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 768 028 044

Passcode: 023718





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